So What Now? Interview with Gareth Cliff
“I want us to give ourselves the permission to live without the hatred and resentment”
Beanie and Blazer Interview
“I believe it is so important to normalize healing amongst men, in the same way, its normalized for women”
Morning Show Gareth Cliff Co-Host
“You gave me a shot on radio when no-one else would and I’ll always be grateful”
Daily Blast Live with Erica Cobb
“When trauma occurs it’s the first point of impact but when we keep reliving it - it happens again and again”
#UN75 Anniversary Celebrating 75 People: 75 Stories
“I had to choose, was I going to let it kill me or choose to overcome it and not just survive but thrive”
The News Letter Belfast
“Candice, a heroine of compassion, adds: “I have a relationship with God, and I strongly believe that it is my purpose to be doing this work and that his guidance has led me to where I am.”
“Dialogue is a crucial element of the change or reform process. When we engage we have the power to implement change”
“Tedx has always been a dream of mine and I couldn’t be happier to be apart of TedxStormont as my first one”
The Agenda with Stephen Cole
“I sat down with the most inspiring woman in the world Candice Mama ”
Campus Party Digital
“I am honored to have been invited to speak at Campus Party, the largest international innovation experience”